or F-3
)转换为它们相应的 MIDI 音符值。
我发布这个是因为我厌倦了每次需要它时都试图在网上挖掘它。我敢肯定,我不是唯一一个能找到它用途的人。我刚刚写了这个——它已经过测试并且是正确的。它是用 Python 编写的,但我觉得它非常接近普遍理解。
#Input is string in the form C#-4, Db-4, or F-3. If your implementation doesn't use the hyphen,
#just replace the line :
# letter = midstr.split('-')[0].upper()
# letter = midstr[:-1]
def MidiStringToInt(midstr):
Notes = [["C"],["C#","Db"],["D"],["D#","Eb"],["E"],["F"],["F#","Gb"],["G"],["G#","Ab"],["A"],["A#","Bb"],["B"]]
answer = 0
i = 0
letter = midstr.split('-')[0].upper()
for note in Notes:
for form in note:
if letter.upper() == form:
answer = i
i += 1
answer += (int(midstr[-1]))*12
return answer
NOTES_FLAT = ['C', 'Db', 'D', 'Eb', 'E', 'F', 'Gb', 'G', 'Ab', 'A', 'Bb', 'B']
NOTES_SHARP = ['C', 'C#', 'D', 'D#', 'E', 'F', 'F#', 'G', 'G#', 'A', 'A#', 'B']
def NoteToMidi(KeyOctave):
# KeyOctave is formatted like 'C#3'
key = KeyOctave[:-1] # eg C, Db
octave = KeyOctave[-1] # eg 3, 4
answer = -1
if 'b' in key:
pos = NOTES_FLAT.index(key)
pos = NOTES_SHARP.index(key)
print('The key is not valid', key)
return answer
answer += pos + 12 * (int(octave) + 1) + 1
return answer