create table MASTER_ID2
ID int not null,
VALOR varchar(40),
primary key (ID)
create table DETAIL_ID2
ID int not null,
ID_MASTER int not null,
VALOR_DET char(40),
primary key (ID)
alter table DETAIL_ID2 add constraint FK_RDET5 foreign key (ID_MASTER)
references MASTER_ID2 (ID) on delete restrict on update restrict;
class MasterId2 {
Integer id
String valor
static hasMany = [details : DetailId2]
static mapping = {
table 'master_id2'
version false
id generator:'identity', column:'ID'
details column: 'id_master'
static constraints = {
id(max: 2147483647)
valor(size: 0..40)
String toString() {
return "${id}"
class DetailId2 implements Serializable {
Integer id
Integer id_master
String valor_det
MasterId2 master
static belongsTo = MasterId2
static mapping = {
table 'detail_id2'
version false
id generator:'identity', column:'ID'
static constraints = {
id(max: 2147483647)
valor_det(size: 0..40)
String toString() {
return "${id}"
类 MasterId2 {
Integer id
String valor
static hasMany = [details : DetailId2]
static mapping = {
table 'master_id2'
// version is set to false, because this isn't available by default for legacy databases
version false
id generator:'identity', column:'ID'
details column: 'id_master'
static constraints = {
id(max: 2147483647)
valor(size: 0..40)
String toString() {
return "${id}"
类 DetailId2 实现可序列化 {
Integer id
Integer id_master
String valor_det
//MasterId2 master
//static belongsTo = MasterId2
static belongsTo = [master: MasterId2]
static mapping = {
table 'detail_id2'
// version is set to false, because this isn't available by default for legacy databases
version false
id generator:'identity', column:'ID'
master insertable: false // enforce foreign key
master updateable: false // enforce foreign key
static constraints = {
id(max: 2147483647)
valor_det(size: 0..40)
String toString() {
return "${id}"
瓦洛代 -> 编辑
Idmaster * -> 编辑
Master * -> 没有值的列表框