I searched for the answer in the forum, but I didn't find anything, if I am wrong, I am sorry. Anyway, question is simple, I have this Frame, with a Status Bar I use to print messages or notifies.

I would like to use it for mistakes or not permitted operations. But I would like these messages to be coloured. I am looking for a solution on wxPython demo -because i read somewhere on the web to get some inspirations by it-, but i still did not find anything.

Do you have any ideas or solutions?

thank you in advance.


1 回答 1


我会尝试状态栏小部件的 SetForegroundColour 或 SetBackgroundColour 方法。这些方法并不总是适用于每个平台,因为每个操作系统都有自己的规则,而 wxPython 遵循这些规则。如果它们不起作用,那么您将不得不滚动您自己的状态栏,可能通过在大小调整器或拆分器窗口中使用几个面板。

还有可能对您有用的第 3 方增强状态栏小部件。它可以在http://xoomer.virgilio.it/infinity77/main/EnhancedStatusBar.html找到

于 2012-12-17T20:14:54.667 回答