I have a smiple select control bound to model that contains 2 values: id -the value i want to bind to selected index, and cities= array i want ooptions populated from. here is the JS:
var VM=function ViewModel() {
this.id = ko.observable(102);
self.cities( [{"Key":"-1","Value":"choose city"},{"Key":"100","Value":"leningrad"}, {"Key":"102","Value":"moscow"}]);
} ;
var vm=new VM();
I want cities to be populted after user clicked button, but the selected city must stay Moscow (because initialy the "id" was 102)
here is my HTML:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="http://cloud.github.com/downloads/SteveSanderson/knockout/knockout-2.1.0.js"></script>
<meta charset=utf-8 />
<title>JS Bin</title>
<select data-bind="options:cities,optionsText:'Value',optionsValue:'Key',value:id"></select>
<button data-bind="click:getCities">get cities</button>
My problem is that selected index got lost after cities is loaded Please help Thanks