I need an elegant way of disabling or authorizing related field traversal in Django templates.
Imagine following setup for models.py:
class Person(models.Model):
class Secret(models.Model):
owner = models.ForeignKey(Person, related_name="secrets")
Now imagine this simple view that gives the template QuerySet of all Person instances in the system just so the template could put them in a list.
def show_people(request):
render_to_response("people.html", {people=Person.objects.all()})
Now my problem is that I would not provide the templates myself in this imaginary system and I don't fully trust those who make the templates. The show_people view gives the people.html template the secrets of the Person instances through the related_name="secrets"
. This example is quite silly but in reality I have model structures where template providers could access all kind of vulnerable data through related managers.
The obvious solution would be not to give models to templates but to convert them in to some more secure data objects. But that would be pain in my case because the system is already quite big and it's up and running.
I think a cool solution to this would be somehow preventing related field traversal in templates. Another solution would be to have such custom related managers that could have access to the request object and filter the initial query set according to the request.user