I have following code that checks whether date is valid. http://jsfiddle.net/uzSU6/36/
If there is blank spaces in date part, month part or year part the date should be considered invalid. For this, currently I am checking the length of string before and after trim
operation. It works fine. However is there a better method to check for white spaces? (For example, using ===
function isValidDate(s)
var bits = s.split('/');
//Javascript month starts at zero
var d = new Date(bits[2], bits[0] - 1, bits[1]);
if ( isNaN( Number(bits[2]) ) )
//Year is not valid number
return false;
if ( Number(bits[2]) < 1 )
//Year should be greater than zero
return false;
//If there is unwanted blank space, return false
if ( ( bits[2].length != $.trim(bits[2]).length ) ||
( bits[1].length != $.trim(bits[1]).length ) ||
( bits[0].length != $.trim(bits[0]).length ) )
return false;
//1. Check whether the year is a Number
//2. Check whether the date parts are eqaul to original date components
//3. Check whether d is valid
return d && ( (d.getMonth() + 1) == bits[0]) && (d.getDate() == Number(bits[1]) );