package com.test1
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import shapeless._
import FromTraversable._
import Traversables._
import Nat._
import Tuples._
trait ToArity[P, N <: Nat]
object ToArity {
implicit def prod1[P <: Product1[_]] = new ToArity[P, _1] {}
implicit def prod2[P <: Product2[_, _]] = new ToArity[P, _2] {}
// ad nauseum...
trait SizedHListAux[A, N <: Nat, T <: HList]
object SizedHListAux {
implicit def base[A, H <: HList] = new SizedHListAux[A, _0, HNil] {}
implicit def induct[A, H <: HList, N <: Nat, P <: Nat](implicit r: PredAux[N,P], k: SizedHListAux[A, P, H]) = new SizedHListAux[A, N, A :: H] {}
trait SomeFun {
type Result
def apply(): Result
// I want to abstract over A, the contained type in the List
// over P the Product type which is the arg notably its arity
// This means we need to recover arity of the Product type and render it in value space
// and also means that we need to compute the type of the intermediate HList
object SomeFun {
def produce(m: SomeFun): m.Result = m()
implicit def fromF1[T, A, P <: Product, N <: Nat, H <: HList](f1: (P => T, List[A]))(implicit k: ToArity[P, N], toI: ToInt[N], l: SizedHListAux[A, N, H], toHL: FromTraversable[H], tp: TuplerAux[H, P]) =
new SomeFun {
type Result = (T, List[A])
def apply(): Result = {
val (f, as) = f1
val (ts, rest) = (as.take(toI()), as.drop(toI()))
f((toHL(ts).get).tupled) -> rest
// Debug Arity checker
def printArity[P <: Product, N <: Nat](p: P)(implicit k: ToArity[P, N], toI: ToInt[N]) = println("Arity: " + toI())
object Test {
val thedata = List("foo", "bar", "baz", "bob")
val tfn = (x: (String, String)) => println("%s and %s".format(x._1, x._2))
def foo = SomeFun.printArity("a" -> "b")
//def doit = SomeFun.produce((tfn, thedata)) // Adding this line does not compile
这个想法是您使用函数的参数 arity,在本例中是 Product 类型的 arity,来驱动关联 List[A] 的解析。有点像使用胶带从石墨上剥离石墨烯层,即功能的类型将事物从列表中拉出。这只是一个使用单一包含类型的草图,但我想它可以被概括。重要的方面是函数本身不知道 List 处理。
然而......当试图解决 ToArity[P,N] 隐式时,这个概念似乎失败了。如 printArity() 所示,ToArity 本身是可解析的。
有人可以解释为什么这在 fromF1 的上下文中无法解决吗?是不是它不能解决所有依赖的隐式,然后用第一个来注册错误,即找不到满足 ToArity、ToInt 和 SizedHListAux 的 N?