I am working on a grading program with jsf and hibernate. I have a list of students and a list of criteria for calculations. The criteria list is variable and can be modified by a teacher... I was wondering how I can manage to do the set all grades for all students in a request. Let's say there is Student A and B with criterias X and Y. It should show a table

| Student   | Criteria X        | Criteria Y        |
| A         | [input for grade] | [input for grade] |
| B         | [input for grade] | [input for grade] |

I can do that, so far, but the input for grade has not a target in the controller bean since it can't be only student A and B, but could have more/les, same with criteria. I'd love an idea to manage it.

In PHP, I'd work with the Post global variable and fetch this array to get student/criteria from input name and save that grade with the corresponding student/criteria.

JSF - 2.0

[Update 1]

<table border="1">
            <th>Nombres y apellidos</th>
                <ui:repeat value="#{cursoController.grupo.criterios.toArray()}" var="criterio">
        <ui:repeat value="#{cursoController.grupo.matriculas.toArray()}" var="matricula">
            <h:form rendered="#{matricula.rol.perfil.idPerfil == 69}">
                        <h:inputHidden value="#{matricula.rol.idRol}"/>
                    <ui:repeat value="#{cursoController.grupo.criterios.toArray()}" var="criterio">
                            <h:inputText style="width: 70px;"/>

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