I have lots of line segments (that represent various surfaces such as walls, ceilings and floors). I want to efficiently determine which lines are within the player's bounding box.

(Right now I'm cycling through all lines, and whilst correct, it is proving much too slow).

There are several kd-tree and other spatial indices in Javascript but they all store points rather than lines.

I actually only need to query by the x axis; it would suffice with a 1D range tree of some sort.

How can you efficiently store and retrieve shapes such as lines?

Once built, the index would not be added to.


1 回答 1



许多游戏还使用了所谓的 BSP 树,即二元空间划分树。但为了获得良好的性能,AFAIK 通常在构建关卡时预先计算这棵树,然后只加载地图。

于 2013-01-01T16:35:13.953 回答