I am working in visual studio and i have got two projects in a solution. I want to refer to header file of second project in my main-project. I added second-prj as a reference to my main-prj,. But when i write like

#include "Second_Project_File.h"

in my main-prj it gives compile errors :

fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'Second_Project_File.h': No such file or directory.

Then i looked at the folders and gave relative path like

#include "..\Second_Project_Folder\Second_Project_File.h"

it compiled but gave error :

 main-prj.exe not found or not built by the last incremental link; performing full link
 Embedding manifest...

What should i do?

i donot want to work with this kind of including header files

#include "..\somefolder\header.file.h"

How to do this in visual studio.



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