我正在使用 Doxygen 记录我的 python 代码,并且我有一个只接收“请求”的 django 函数,但我想记录 request.GET 中应该包含的内容......我怎么会有 doxygen 布局很好,我的变量目前被评论为:
# GET parameters:
# {
# 'tag_id' : int = Tag ID, used if no tag-name given
# 'tag_name' : string = Tag name, used if no TagID given
# 'last_id' : int = id of last displayed photo (that's the oldest one displayed!!!), optional
# 'max_n' : int = max number of photos to return, optional - def. 10
# 'bigt' : bool = optional, if present then returns bigger thumbs (400x260) instead of 300x200
# 'newest_id': int = newest photoID got, optional. If given call returns newer images only
# }