I run an application that usually triggers a heavy update every 2 hours, by queuing heavy tasks, using the cron mecanism. This has been working well for months.

However, the december 16th of 2012, this url has been called (by user-agent AppEngine-Google) every few seconds between 15:17 and 15:51, launching hundreds of heavy tasks. This resulted in an explosion of my quotas and forced me to switch to the paid version of the application, in order for my website to stay alive.

Anybody having the same issue? Any idea of what happened and how I could avoid this problem in the future?


1 回答 1




我有 4 个 cron 作业和一些任务队列任务堆积如山。直到 14:05Z(太平洋标准时间 16 日 6:05?)之前,一切都很正常。

在 14:06Z 和 14:07Z,我的两个 cron 作业被调用(在它们的预定时间)并以 200 完成。之后,AppEngine-Google 开始每分钟调用几次相同的作业。14:50Z 后紊乱消失了,现在没有问题。

在此期间,我的一个任务队列任务在 14:11Z 被调用并以 503 结束(这是预期的失败)。该任务计划在几个小时后重试,但在一小时内被调用了数百次。任务的重试计数未增加。

我的猜测是任务队列中出了点问题(“__cron”,对我来说,“默认”),直到 14:50Z 才删除任务。

我的应用程序的应用程序 ID 是 vidssage。

于 2012-12-17T04:24:04.607 回答