(define output "")
(define output "goodInput")
ERROR: In procedure memoization:
ERROR: Bad define placement (define output "").
这是为什么 ?
; Formal function of the code
(define (double->sum myString)
(define myVector 0)
(set! myVector (breaking myString))
(define output "")
(define returnValue (checkLegit myVector)) ; check the number of legitimate characters ,they need to be either numbers or "."
(define flag 0)
(if (not(= returnValue (vector-length myVector))) (set! output "Input error") (set! flag (+ flag 1)))
(define i 0) ; the length of the vector
(define count 0) ; the value of all the numbers in the vector
(= flag 1)
(do ()
((= i (vector-length myVector))) ; run until the end of the vector
((char=? (vector-ref myVector i) #\.) ; check if we found a dot
(set! output (appending output count)) (set! output (appendingStrings output ".")) (set! count 0)
(else (set! count (+ count (char->integer(vector-ref myVector i)) )) (set! count (- count 48))
); end of else
) ; end of cond
(set! i (+ i 1)) ; inc "i" by 1
); end of do
) ; end do
; if flag = 1 , then the input is in a correct form
(if (= flag 1) (set! output (appending output count)))
(if (= flag 1)
"Input error")
) ; END