我目前正在尝试将一些耗时的任务推给动作脚本工作者。作为其处理的一部分,此工作人员将需要调用 AIR 本机扩展。
我已经在 Flash Builder 4.7 中尝试了各种组合,即嵌入式工作人员和外部工作人员(在外部工作人员项目中显式包装了 ANE),但可惜我无法让这个设置工作。我不断从工作人员那里收到一个错误,说找不到本机扩展类(错误#1014)。
有谁知道是否有可能做到这一点,或者这是 Actionscript 工作人员的限制?
我目前正在尝试将一些耗时的任务推给动作脚本工作者。作为其处理的一部分,此工作人员将需要调用 AIR 本机扩展。
我已经在 Flash Builder 4.7 中尝试了各种组合,即嵌入式工作人员和外部工作人员(在外部工作人员项目中显式包装了 ANE),但可惜我无法让这个设置工作。我不断从工作人员那里收到一个错误,说找不到本机扩展类(错误#1014)。
有谁知道是否有可能做到这一点,或者这是 Actionscript 工作人员的限制?
I'm guessing this might be a bit late now, but I've just been having this problem myself, and it was caused by the ANE not being packaged with the app when it's sent to the device / simulator.
Classes within the NE weren't being found at runtime, but were accessible in Flash Builder.
It turned out that by default the .ANE file wasn't copied to the device.
To fix this, change the following project property:
ActionScript Build Packaging -> Apple iOS -> Native Extensions -> Check 'Package' for the ANE
No idea why it wasn't included by default. When you uncheck 'Package' you get a warning telling you that it may cause runtime issues!
Hope this is of use for somebody.