

客户端:它有几个按钮,每个按钮都指向数组中的一个位置。每当按下按钮时,它首先与服务器同步(使用Cristian 算法),然后向服务器发送一个事件。它还应该随时等待接收更新,当这种情况发生时,按钮也应该更新。



编辑:我使用 TCP 作为我的协议。另外,我添加了一些关于服务器和客户端如何管理事件的伪代码。



Create an event handler, and make it run as a separate thread
while amount of players < 2
    Receive a connection
    Create an instance that represents the player
    Send the player some data it will need
    Register the player as an observer of the game
end while
for each player
    Tell them the game is ready to start
    Make the player run in a separate thread
end for each
Mark the game as started
Notify each of the observers about the game


while true
    Wait for a time request
    Send the player the current time
    Wait for a button click
    Insert the event into a global list of events
end while


while true
    Wait 50 ms
    Order the event list by the time marks
    Get and remove the first element in the list
    Tell the game the button was pressed, also tell it who pressed it
    Ask the game to notify the observers
end while



Connect to the server
Receive the basic needed data
Wait for a confirmation to start the game
Receive the stage (an array with the positions in the server)
Display one button for each element in the received array
Append an action listener to the button
if the button is pressed
    Request the current time to the server
    Adjust the time
    Send a button click event to the server
    Wait to receive the stage again
    Update the stage
end if   



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您是否查看或考虑过 JMS?您可以参考JAVA EE 6 DOC开始使用 JMS。

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