我正在 AMD64 机器上使用 SBCL for Linux。函数 CONTROL-TEST 使用绘图 CANVAS 和两个滑动 SCALE 创建一个窗口。UPPER-SLIDER 和 FORE-SLIDER 的滑块 :VARIABLES 应该分别绑定到 UPPER-THETA 和 FORE-THETA,但更新代码只看到 0。我已经在另一个函数中测试了更新代码。

(defun controltest ()
  "Test of a user-controlled robot arm"
  (with-ltk ()
    ; (make-instance 'scale :master fscale :from 0 :to 100  :length 150 )
    (let* ((upper-theta 0) (fore-theta 0)
        (make-instance 'scale :from 0 :to 7 
               :length  360 :variable upper-theta))
        (make-instance 'scale :from 0 :to 7
               :length  360 :variable fore-theta))
       (cnvs (make-instance 'canvas :width cnvs-width :height cnvs-height))
       (upper (manip:uctk-beam :cen-x 200 :cen-y 200 
                   :b-length 40 :b-width 20
                   :tk-cnvs cnvs))
       (fore (manip:uctk-beam :cen-x 0 :cen-y 40 ; relative to upper
                  :b-length 40 :b-width 20
                  :tk-cnvs cnvs))
       (slp-time 50))
      (labels ((update ()
         (draw upper nil) ; contains FORE, no need to draw separately
         (geo:set-member-theta upper 2 fore-theta)
         (geo:set-theta upper upper-theta)
         (after slp-time #'update)))
    (geo:add-geo upper fore) ; make FORE a member of UPPER
    (pack cnvs :fill :both :expand 1)
    (pack upper-slider :side :bottom)
    (pack fore-slider :side :bottom)

1 回答 1


请原谅,我似乎没有进行尽职调查,这个问题是 3 年前在以下位置回答的:http: //permalink.gmane.org/gmane.lisp.ltk.user/329

答案是传递给 :VARIABLE 的名称实际上并没有自动更新。我没有弄乱 :VARIABLE,而是将 LAMBDA 表达式传递给 :COMMAND 关键字;因此以下是正确的方法:

        (make-instance 'scale :from 0 :to 7 
               :length  360 
               :command (lambda (val) (setq upper-theta val))))
        (make-instance 'scale :from 0 :to 7 
               :length  360 
               :command (lambda (val) (setq fore-theta val))))
于 2012-12-21T22:44:28.820 回答