

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>

#define EXIT_SUCCESS 0
#define EXIT_FAILURE 1

typedef struct tm tm;

int logf(char input_string[], char log_file_string[])
    char output_string[32767];
    FILE* log_file_stream;
    time_t current_time_epoch_format;
    tm* current_time_calandar_format;

    /*Creating timestamp in output string, amending first argument to output string, and logging.*/
    if ((strlen(input_string) + 23) > 32767) return EXIT_FAILURE;
    if ((current_time_epoch_format = time(&current_time_epoch_format)) == -1) return EXIT_FAILURE;
    if ((current_time_calandar_format = localtime(&current_time_epoch_format)) == NULL) return EXIT_FAILURE;
    if (strftime(output_string, 23, "[%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S] ", current_time_calandar_format) != 22) return EXIT_FAILURE;
    if ((log_file_stream = fopen(log_file_string, "a")) == NULL) return EXIT_FAILURE;
    if (printf("%s\n", strcat(output_string, input_string)) < 1) return EXIT_FAILURE;
    if (fprintf(log_file_stream, "%s\n", output_string) < 1) return EXIT_FAILURE;
    if (fclose(log_file_stream) == EOF) return EXIT_FAILURE;
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    int EXIT_CODE;

    /*Print the returned integer from logf and exit.*/
    printf("%d\n", (EXIT_CODE = logf(argv[1], argv[2])));

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