我在这里使用 SP 2010 Foundation 中的 NewWebPage xml 命令遇到了一个奇怪的问题。下面的代码工作不工作
Write-Host "Production Manager v8.0 Deployment Utility" -ForegroundColor red
Write-Host ""
#Starting the script. Lets see if we can find the configuration and map files first.
Write-Host -NoNewline "Checking for the Configuration.xml, PageMap.xml and PageTemplate.xml files: " -ForegroundColor white
if((Test-Path "Configuration.xml") -and (Test-Path "PageMap.xml") -and (Test-Path "PageTemplate.xml"))
Write-Host "FOUND" -ForegroundColor green
Write-Host "NOT FOUND" -ForegroundColor red
Write-Host "Check for the necessary files and try again."
Write-Host ""
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Reading Configuration.xml"
[xml]$Configuration = Get-Content Configuration.xml
Write-Host "Reading PageMap.xml"
[xml]$PageMap = Get-Content PageMap.xml
Write-Host "Reading from Production Manager Site: "$Configuration.Configuration.SiteConfiguration.SiteURL
#Some variables necessary for the loop
$pageCreationLoopIterations = 0
$pageLayout = ""
$pageTitle = ""
$createPageCommand = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><Method ID="0,NewWebPage"><SetList Scope="Request">' + $productionManagerLibrary.ID + '</SetList><SetVar Name="Cmd">NewWebPage</SetVar><SetVar Name="ID">New</SetVar><SetVar Name="Type">WebPartPage</SetVar><SetVar Name="WebPartPageTemplate">' + $pageLayout + '</SetVar><SetVar Name="Overwrite">true</SetVar><SetVar Name="Title">MyPage</SetVar></Method>';
#Beginning the loop
Write-Host "Running through the PageMap file"
foreach($Page in $PageMap.Pages.Page)
$web = Get-SPWeb $Configuration.Configuration.SiteConfiguration.SiteURL
$productionManagerLibrary = $web.Lists | Where { $_.Title -eq "Production Manager" }
$pageName = if($Page.SelectSingleNode("PageName")) { $Page.PageName } else { $Configuration.Configuration.PageConfiguration.DefaultPageName }
$pageLayout = if($Page.SelectSingleNode("PageLayout")) { $Page.PageLayout } else { $Configuration.Configuration.PageConfiguration.DefaultPageLayout }
Write-Host 'Creating Page ' $pageName
$url = "http://mpm8/mpm";
$listname = "Production Manager"
$web = Get-SPWeb $url
$pagesLibrary = $web.Lists | Where { $_.Title -eq "Production Manager" }
$pageLayout = 8
$cmd = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><Method ID="0,NewWebPage"><SetList Scope="Request">' + $pagesLibrary.ID + '</SetList><SetVar Name="Cmd">NewWebPage</SetVar><SetVar Name="ID">New</SetVar><SetVar Name="Type">WebPartPage</SetVar><SetVar Name="WebPartPageTemplate">' + $pageLayout + '</SetVar><SetVar Name="Overwrite">true</SetVar><SetVar Name="Title">MyPage</SetVar></Method>';
<Result ID="0,NewWebPage" Code="-2130575350">
<ErrorText>Invalid URL Parameter.
The URL provided contains an invalid Command or Value. Please check the URL again. </ErrorText></Result>
你能帮我解决这个问题吗?也许我不能在 foreach 循环中运行这个东西?:(