I am getting a very frustrating error where a variable in my code does "not have a value". Here is a picture of my code with the debugger information at the bottom.

My original code only has the red squares, but I added in the blue square "Xmax = 40" just to see if i could force a value into the variable. Obviously you can see there is still a problem. Any insight into why I am getting this error?

enter image description here


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NVCC 编译器不会扩展变量的有效范围。此外,即使未指定优化标志,NVCC 编译器也会执行一些优化。这会导致消除用户指定的变量。扩展变量的有效范围是 CUDA 调试器功能请求列表中的首要项目之一,但我无法告诉您此问题将在哪个版本中得到解决。

我建议您通过 CUDA 注册开发人员计划提交有关该问题的错误。

于 2012-12-16T02:34:55.973 回答