In my django file there is:
SECRET_KEY = '1qpps_5yf@e_++wwicusr*8#lm)^m=rjhgk#&qq1w*p*2d3c4z'
I need some function to convert this string (well it can be any string, lets assume it's not empty) to shorter/longer string. I mean I need key but for example with length=16. Well If SECRET_KEY is longer than 16 it's easy to just substring it, but if its shorter then I don't want to "pad" missing values with some constatnt char.
So I need function which takes string with length > 0 and generates key with length = 16. Even more simply: I need key generator which will generate 16 characters string based on some seed (seed = SECRET_KEY)
edit --------------------
found good solution here: Efficiently generate a 16-character, alphanumeric string
import random
key = ''.join(random.choice('1234567890qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm,./;@[]!#$%^&*()_+=-') for i in range(16))
I hope random.seed(settings.SECRET_KEY)
is not big security whole in django app :P