I'm pretty new to SVN so this might be a simple one, but I guarantee it took me the whole day already. This is the setup:
Apache installed under /www/ and the website is under /www/htdocs/example.com/www/
I have a working SVN server (same machine) and I'd like to publish, either manually or automatically after commit (using hooks), the contents to the destination: /www/htdocs/example.com/www/. The repo is under /svn/www.example.com. I have encountered two problems so far:
- If I run "svn export --force file:///svn/www.example.com /www/htdocs/example.com/www" than it creates a new dir: /www/htdocs/example.com/www/www.example.com. Can I do an export without the root directory, but only its contents?
- The website root dir (/www/htdocs/example.com/www) is already having files uploaded by the users, so exporting from svn should overwrite only the files found in the repo and leave the rest intact (basically a merge).