I was going through the conditions of minimum cover of a set of function dependencies.

Here, it is mentioned that the right hand side can have only single attribute. So {A1A2 → B1B2} is not possible. It should be split as {A1A2 → B1, A1A2 → B2}.

But in DBMS by Korth, the following condition is there

Each left side of a functional dependency in Fc is unique. That is, there are no
two dependencies A1 → B1 and A2 → B2 in Fc such that A1 = A2.

So, according to this {A1A2 → B1, A1A2 → B2} is not possible. The dependencies should be combined as {A1A2 → B1B2} to avoid repetition.

Please clarify which is correct.


1 回答 1


在我看来,这似乎是符号上的差异,仅此而已。这两组 FD 是等价的。

  • {A1A2 → B1}
  • {A1A2 → B2}

  • {A1A2 → B1B2}


这两种不同的表达式对可约性或覆盖率或闭包没有影响,这是计算最小覆盖率的真正问题。您可能会争辩说,第一个版本在右侧不超过一个非主属性,因为它更接近于 6NF 中的分解,所以它更好。


于 2013-02-09T13:31:20.987 回答