I have a JApplet (MainClass extends JApplet), a JPanel (ChartWindow extends JPanel) and a Grafico class.
The problem is that the Grafico class instance has 2 JPanel that should show 2 images (1 for each panel) but the images are shown and after a little while they disappears: instead of them i get a gray background (like an empty JPanel). This happens for every repaint() call (that are made in the ChartWindow class)
the MainClass init()
chartwindow=new ChartWindow();
chartwindow has a Grafico instance.
it's the ChartWindow's paintComponent
paintComponent(Graphics g)
Image immagineGrafico=createImage(grafico.pannelloGrafico.getWidth()
Image immagineVolumi=createImage(grafico.pannelloVolumi.getWidth()
Graphics2D imgGrafico=(Graphics2D)immagineGrafico.getGraphics();
Graphics2D imgVolumi=(Graphics2D)immagineVolumi.getGraphics();
grafico's JPanels are added this way in the ChartWindow's constructor
grafico=new Grafico()
Tell me if you need more information, thank you very much :-)