我正在寻找一种通过 USB 电缆(不是 WiFi)安装 Windows 共享的通用方法。泛型是指一种不需要设备特定内核模块的方法。
如果这无法实现,我对其他想法持开放态度,但 WiFi/互联网连接完全不可能。
如果没有内核模块,这是不可能的,因为内核模块是完成整个工作的东西。所以你的问题就像“我正在寻找将水放入玻璃的方法,但没有玻璃部分”。所以应用程序可能会提供 SMB 支持,但那是因为这些应用程序包含了内部处理 SMB 的所有代码。因此,如果您想在文件系统级别挂载 samba 共享,您需要内核模块和足够的权限。否则,您只需要寻找支持 SMB 并执行您想要的操作的应用程序。
I'm definetly considering to use a chroot of some linux installation to implement a smb arm linux server on android, you can run all sorts of ARM linux tools inside an android machine trough chroot, once in linux there's not much you can't do, and the simplest distro available can pretty much install whatever you want. Of course, you can strip just the server binaries inside a package and run that just like an android app of some sort, or install the binaries in /system/bin and xbin in android and add some init script. Whatever rocks your boat. BTW, my implementation involves a USB-ramdrive, i want my 2GB RAM MK809II android device to store a 1GB img file in a tmpfs ramdisk, mounted in a place accessible by all apps like /sdcard/ram/ram.img, where i can create a smb share to a windows machine, that connection will be made via USB, i'll use adb reverse to connect to the SMB share and redirect the server ports to my local tcp 7777 1137 1138 1139, my smb filesharing server has already been disabled, so these relevant ports are free to use in my pc, that's important because windows will only recognize servers running in the same ports. I'll access the smb share from windows and mount the img file in the share trough ImDisk to have my virtual ramdrive under windows. I have a pc with only 1.5gb of ram, and sometimes this thing run out of memory, i want to have a readyboost drive that's lightning fast compared to a solid state usb drive, i want to have usb as a bottleneck in my transfer speed..... some time ago i saw a 50MB/s usb2.0 hdd then i wondered what would happen if i can bottleneck the fck out of usb2.0, that's completely inviable via it's original solid state bottlenecked drives, but ram in the other hand has almost no speed limit... so i got my little project, out of some need and mostly curiosity. I'm chasing for a way into store the pagefile in that ramdisk, though i think windows readyboost already stores virtual memory pages in the readyboost file.