我写了几个 Subs 来显示/隐藏数据透视表中的字段。现在我正在尝试对计算字段执行相同的操作,但是在隐藏它时出现错误。我从记录器中取出我的代码,记录器的代码也停在最后一行。我用谷歌搜索了错误消息,没有严重的结果。

Sub PrRemove()
    'remove PR
    Dim pt As PivotTable
    Set pt = ActiveSheet.PivotTables("MyPivot")
    pt.PivotFields("MyField").Orientation = xlHidden   '<- here is the error
End Sub

如果 MyField 是普通字段(不是计算字段),则相同的代码可以正常工作。
我正在使用带有 SP2 的 Excel 2007。

2010 年 6 月 17 日编辑:我还尝试使用 pt.DataFields 而不是 pt.PivotFields,其行为完全相同。错误消息显示“无法设置 PivotField 类的方向”。


14 回答 14


在拉了很多头发之后,我找到了解决方法。如果您添加多个数据透视字段(计算或其他方式),则 Excel 会创建一个名为“值”的分组字段。您可以将 PivotField("Values") 的方向属性设置为 xlHidden ,它会为这两个字段添加项目符号。因此,如果要删除计算字段,只需添加一个非计算字段,将 PivotField("Values").orientation 设置为 xlHidden 即可。


于 2010-07-22T16:12:49.420 回答
With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivottableName").PivotFields("Values")
    .PivotItems("CalcFieldName").Visible = False
End With
于 2015-03-24T20:06:28.327 回答


我终于找到了这个解决方案(Excel 2010):

Set pt = ActiveSheet.PivotTables("mypivottable")
For Each pi In pt.DataPivotField.PivotItems
    pi.Visible = False
于 2016-01-13T15:27:27.713 回答

好吧,我会给你你需要的确认。似乎Orientation在“计算字段”上使用该属性是行不通的,我不得不同意这是一个错误,而不是常见的“使用”错误。我能够复制“隐藏/显示”字段,而无需删除(“删除”)计算字段。这允许用户在您以编程方式“隐藏”该字段后,从字段列表中物理拖动计算的字段。这不是一个糟糕的解决方案,因为它复制了用户界面。(使用 Excel 2003。)

'2009.09.25 AMJ
'work around for
'   1004, Unable to set the Orientation property of the PivotField class
'when setting orientation property to hidden of calculated field, as in
'   ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("Sum of Field1").Orientation = xlHidden

Public Sub Hide()
'hide the data without removing the calculated field
'   this allows the user to physically drag the
'       calculated field from the field list once we
'       have "hidden" it programmatically.
'   if we use the "delete" method, the field is removed
'       from the pivot table and the field list

    Dim oWS As Worksheet
    Dim oPT As PivotTable
    Dim oPF As PivotField
    Dim oPI As PivotItem

    Set oWS = ActiveSheet
    Set oPT = oWS.PivotTables(1)

    For Each oPF In oPT.DataFields
        If oPF.SourceName = "Field1" Then
            Exit For
        End If

    Set oPI = oPF.DataRange.Cells(1, 1).PivotItem
    oPI.Visible = False

End Sub

Public Sub Show()
'show just reads the pivot field to the data fields

    Dim oWS As Worksheet
    Dim oPT As PivotTable
    Dim oPF As PivotField

    Set oWS = ActiveSheet
    Set oPT = oWS.PivotTables(1)

    For Each oPF In oPT.PivotFields
        If oPF.SourceName = "Field1" Then
            Exit For
        End If

    oPT.AddDataField oPF

End Sub

[原始答案] 您很可能无法隐藏此项目,因为它是最后一个可见项目。相反,请尝试删除它。

于 2009-09-07T09:10:16.300 回答


PivotTable(1).PivotFields("Values").Orientation = xlHidden
For Each PF In PT.DataFields
    PF.Orientation = xlHidden
Next PF

我假设该字段似乎仅在您的 xlDataField 位置中有两个或多个字段时才存在。

感谢 Alinboss 为我指明了正确的方向。我确定我之前尝试过你的方法但失败了 - 结果证明顺序很重要!

Ps 您的代码仍然不适用于仅一个计算数据字段

于 2014-02-17T16:29:37.693 回答


objTable.DataPivotField.Orientation = xlHidden

如果 excel 出于某种原因认为 datapivotfield 为空,您可能会遇到错误,但要解决此问题,只需在上述语句之前添加另一个字段作为数据字段。还要确保它的字母 l 而不是 xlHidden vba 默认字体中的数字 1 让它们看起来非常相似。


于 2013-08-28T15:47:35.303 回答

Laurent Bosc 的代码检查出来了,所以我投了赞成票。我的完整代码包括在隐藏所有数据后添加数据。代码放在 Sheet1(Sheet1) 上。

Private Sub Refresh_Pivot()

    Dim NewMetric As String
    Dim pt As PivotTable, objDataField As Object
    NewMetric = "your_custom_metric"

'-------update pivot table 1, hide all elements including calculated field----

    Application.EnableEvents = False
    Set pt = Sheet1.PivotTables("PivotTable1")

    For Each Pi In pt.DataPivotField.PivotItems
        Pi.Visible = False

'--------add a new data field to the pivot table----------------------------

    With pt
        .AddDataField.PivotFields(NewMetric), "Sum of " & NewMetric, xlSum
    End With

    Application.EnableEvents = True

End Sub
于 2016-02-19T03:37:42.180 回答

我不认为这是一个 excel 错误,我认为这是一个“功能”。;-)

回复:@AMissico,excel 隐藏数据透视表中的所有字段没有问题,但他可能在谈论项目 - 你不能隐藏数据透视字段中的最后一个项目。

这是我经常用来做你想做的事情的代码。这些宏是在 Excel 2002 和 2003 上开发的。我没有隐藏 CalculatedFields,而是删除了它们。

' Hide all fields.
' @param ThePivotTable to operate upon.
Sub HidePivotFields(ByVal ThePivotTable As PivotTable)
    Dim pField As PivotField
    For Each pField In ThePivotTable.CalculatedFields
    Next pField
    For Each pField In ThePivotTable.PivotFields
        pField.Orientation = xlHidden
    Next pField

    Set pField = Nothing
End Sub

' Removes FieldName data from ThePivotTable
Sub HideField(ByVal ThePivotTable As PivotTable, _
              ByVal FieldName As String)
    If FieldExists(ThePivotTable, FieldName) = True And _
       CalculatedFieldExists(ThePivotTable, FieldName) = False Then
        ThePivotTable.PivotFields(FieldName).Orientation = xlHidden
    End If
End Sub

' Returns True if FieldName exists in ThePivotTable
' @param ThePivotTable to operate upon.
' @param FieldName the name of the specific pivot field.
Function FieldExists(ByVal ThePivotTable As PivotTable, _
                     ByVal FieldName As String) As Boolean
    Dim pField As PivotField

    For Each pField In ThePivotTable.PivotFields
        If pField.SourceName = FieldName Then
            FieldExists = True
            Exit For
        End If
    Next pField

    Set pField = Nothing
End Function

' Checks if the field FieldName is currently a member of the
' CalculatedFields Collection in ThePivotTable.
' @return True if a CalculatedField has a SourceName matching the FieldName
' @return False otherwise
Function CalculatedFieldExists(ByVal ThePivotTable As PivotTable, _
                               ByVal FieldName As String) As Boolean
    Dim pField As PivotField

    CalculatedFieldExists = False

    For Each pField In ThePivotTable.CalculatedFields
        If pField.SourceName = FieldName Then
            CalculatedFieldExists = True
        End If
    Next pField
    Set pField = Nothing
End Function

' Returns a Pivot Field reference by searching through the source names.
' This function is a guard against the user having changed a field name on me.
' @param ThePivotTable to operate upon.
' @param FieldName the name of the specific pivot field.
Function GetField(ByVal ThePivotTable As PivotTable, _
                  ByVal FieldName As String) As PivotField
    Dim pField As PivotField

    For Each pField In ThePivotTable.PivotFields
        If pField.Name <> "Data" Then
            If pField.SourceName = FieldName Then
                Set GetField = pField
                Exit For
            End If
        End If
    Next pField

    Set pField = Nothing
End Function

' Counts the number of currently visible pivot items in a field.
' @param ThePivotItems the collection of pivot itemns in a field.
' @return the count of the visible items.
Function PivotItemCount(ByVal ThePivotItems As PivotItems) As Long
    Dim pItem As PivotItem
    Dim c As Long

    For Each pItem In ThePivotItems
        If pItem.Visible = True Then c = c + 1
    Next pItem
    PivotItemCount = c
    Set pItem = Nothing
End Function

' Hides a single pivot item in a pivot field, unless it's the last one.
' @param FieldName pivot field containing the pivot item.
' @param ItemName pivot item to hide.
Sub HidePivotItem(ByVal ThePivotTable As PivotTable, _
                  ByVal FieldName As String, _
                  ByVal ItemName As String)
    Dim pField As PivotField

    Set pField = GetField(ThePivotTable, FieldName)
    If Not pField Is Nothing Then
        If PivotItemCount(pField.PivotItems) > 1 Then
            pField.PivotItems(ItemName).Visible = False
        End If
    End If

    Set pField = Nothing
End Sub
于 2009-09-21T15:22:39.410 回答

您是否更改了计算字段的名称?它最初是“MyField 的总和”吗?尝试查看 SourceName 属性,如果使用它不同。

你试过pt.CalculatedFields("MyField").Orientation = xlHidden吗?

于 2009-09-09T21:24:44.183 回答

Fortunately there is a very easy way to hide a datafield. You were all wrong mistakeing pivotfields with datafields. I'm presenting a piece of code that empties a pivot table no matter how many pivot fields/data fields were initially in the pivot :

Sub Macro1()

Dim p As PivotTable
Dim f As PivotField

Set p = ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1)

For Each f In p.PivotFields

If f.Orientation <> xlHidden Then
    f.Orientation = xlHidden
End If

Next f

For Each f In p.DataFields

If f.Orientation <> xlHidden Then
    f.Orientation = xlHidden
End If

Next f

End Sub
于 2010-05-13T13:21:27.240 回答


于 2009-09-24T13:41:50.250 回答



场景:数据透视表覆盖范围 A1:G10。计算字段“Margin”已在表中,您要添加数据字段“Sales”并删除“Margin”计算字段。


'Add Sales data field
 ActiveSheet.PivotTables(Pname).AddDataField ActiveSheet.PivotTables( _
    Pname).PivotFields("SALES"), "Sum of SALES", xlSum

 'At this point, the datafield titles are in vertically adjacent rows, named "Sum
 'of Margin" and "Sum of Sales" at locations B3 and B4 respectively.

 'Remove the "Sum of Margin" calculated field


于 2010-04-16T15:35:57.350 回答


如果您将数据存储在数据模型中,则使用 CubeFields 代替 PivotFields。我遇到了同样的问题,我尝试了一个没有数据模型的简单工作簿,并且我的代码运行良好(使用 PivotFields)。它仅在具有数据模型的工作簿中返回错误。所以,我做了这个改变和繁荣!有效!我的建议是使用以下代码:

Sub PrRemove()
'remove PR
Dim pt As PivotTable
Set pt = ActiveSheet.PivotTables("MyPivot")
pt.CubeFields("MyField").Orientation = xlHidden   '<- here is the error
End Sub
于 2020-11-17T00:14:39.300 回答

感谢@user4709164 的回答,我得到了这个代码,它对我来说非常有用:

我的枢轴列都以 X 或 Y 结尾来指示轴,所以我使用最后一个字符作为字段标题。

Public Sub PivotFieldsChange()
Dim ValType As String, param As String
Dim pf As PivotField
Dim pt As PivotTable

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Sheet = "mysheet"
'select between % calculated column or normal column
If Range("Z1").Value = 1 Then
    ValType = "%"
Else: ValType = ""
End If
Application.EnableEvents = False
For Each pt In Sheets(Sheet).PivotTables
    Select Case pt.Name
        Case "case1": param = "param1"
        Case "case2": param = "param2"
        Case "case3": param = "param3"
        Case Else: GoTo line1
End Select
pt.PivotFields("Values").PivotItems("X").Visible = False
pt.PivotFields("Values").PivotItems("Y").Visible = False

pt.PivotFields (param & ValType & "_X")
pt.PivotFields(param & ValType & "_X").Orientation = xlDataField
pt.PivotFields (param & ValType & "_Y")
pt.PivotFields(param & ValType & "_Y").Orientation = xlDataField
For Each pf In pt.DataFields
    pf.Function = xlAverage
    pf.Caption = Right(pf.Caption, 1)

Next pt
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
于 2021-03-09T11:30:03.593 回答