我的服务器上运行了一个 Python 脚本,它创建了一个像这样的 2D 列表:
[['Header1', 'Header2', 'Header3'], ['2012-09-10 00:11:00', '61.3', '57.0'], ...]
我将它传递回运行我的网页的 PHP 脚本。这是我目前用来获取数组的 PHP。我得到了行,但显然[[
exec("python weatherdata.py $stationID $startdate $enddate", $pyoutput);
$vars = explode("], [", $pyoutput[0]);
为了解释我真正想要做的事情,因为肯定会有一个“正确”的解决方案(我对 PHP 一点也不熟悉),我想要做的是调整从这里下载 CSV 文件的代码给用户,但使用 mySQL 来填充它。这里的设置部分工作正常。
// Commented out my working parsing part
// remove the start and end square braces then split into rows
//$output = str_replace("[[","",$pyoutput);
//$output = str_replace("]]","",$output);
//$rows = explode("], [", $output[0]);
// output headers so that the file is downloaded rather than displayed
header('Content-Type: text/csv; charset=utf-8');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='data.csv');
// create a file pointer connected to the output stream
$output = fopen('php://output', 'w');
foreach (preg_split('/],\s*\[/', trim($pyoutput, '[]')) as $row) {
$data= preg_split("/',\s*'/", trim($row, "'"));
// Commented out my working write to CSV part
// write rows
//foreach ($rows as $row){
// $row = str_replace("'","",$row);
// $row = explode(",", $row);
// fputcsv($output, $row);