我已经进行了一些搜索,但似乎无法找到如何让我的 Applescript 为 Excel 工作簿中的每个工作表进行迭代。目前我只是告诉脚本无限重复并手动单击工作表,这并不理想!


tell application "Microsoft Excel"
        set rangeVoltage to value of range "A11:A110"
        set value of cell "D11:D110" to rangeVoltage        
        set value of cell "E11" to "=B11*1000"
        fill down range "E11:E110"
        set value of cell "D10" to "Voc (V)"
        set value of cell "E10" to "Isc (mA)"
end tell

1 回答 1



tell application "Microsoft Excel"
    set mySheets to every sheet of active workbook
    repeat with aSheet in mySheets
        tell aSheet
            set rangeVoltage to value of range "A11:A110"
            set value of cell "D11:D110" to rangeVoltage
            set value of cell "E11" to "=B11*1000"
            fill down range "E11:E110"
            set value of cell "D10" to "Voc (V)"
            set value of cell "E10" to "Isc (mA)"
        end tell
    end repeat
end tell
于 2012-12-14T13:31:49.413 回答