ColdFusion 8 正在缓存我的 cfcs。发展处于停滞状态。我无权访问管理面板。我有哪些选择?
3 回答
1) 访问 CF 管理员。
2) 以编程方式清除缓存。
使用管理 API:
当然,如果您无权访问 CFAdmin,您可能也无权访问它,但值得一试。
根据Ray Camden 的这篇博客文章,在运行上述命令之前,您需要通过 API 登录到管理员,这当然表明如果没有访问权限,它就无法工作。
<cfset API = createObject("component","cfide.adminapi.runtime") />
<cfset API.login(adminPassword="password") />
<cfset API.clearTrustedCache() />
我使用 application.cfc 清除所有 cfc 缓存。
<!--- *****************************************************************
Run before the request is processed
<cffunction name="onRequestStart" returnType="boolean" output="false">
<cfargument name="thePage" type="string" required="true">
if (structKeyExists(url,'reinit')) {
<cfreturn true>
这个想法是传递一个名为“reinit”的 url 变量。只要在 URL 中定义此变量,就会启动应用程序。
为了测试这一点: 1. 对 cfc 进行更改 2. 通过 xxx.cfm?reinit=1 调用 cfm 页面 3. 观察 cfc 中的更改是否得到反映。
I know that this post is old, but I needed to do this for a (more) modern version of ColdFusion (2016) and the answer from Peter wouldn't work on CF 2016. Not looking to be the answer, just a footnote for newer versions of CF.
Here is a version that will work with CF 2016:
variables['adminPW'] = "my cf admin password";
cfAdminAPIAdmin = createObject("component", "cfide.adminapi.administrator");
cfAdminAPIRuntime = createObject("component", "cfide.adminapi.runtime");
// clear the component and trusted (template) caches
Adobe appears to have separated the CF admin functionality from the runtime component. That's really the only difference. The version above shows how to clear the component cache too.
NOTE: I had been doing something very similar to CFNinja's answer, but one site (out of about 25 similar sites) just wouldn't clear the application scope components, the old version remained in a cache somehow.