实现一个链表,最多存储 10 个名称,先入先出。然后实现两种方法,其中一种方法是按姓氏的字母顺序对其进行排序。这是我遇到麻烦的地方。这是我尝试过的:
public class List
public class Link
public String firstName;
public String middleName;
public String lastName;
public Link next = null;
Link(String f, String m, String l)
firstName = f;
middleName = m;
lastName = l;
private Link first_;
private Link last_;
first_ = null;
last_ = null;
public boolean isEmpty()
return first_ == null;
public void insertFront(String f, String m, String l)
Link name = new Link(f, m, l);
if (first_ == null)
first_ = name;
last_ = name;
last_.next = name;
last_ = last_.next;
public String removeFront()
String f = first_.firstName;
String m = first_.middleName;
String l = first_.lastName;
first_ = first_.next;
return f + " " + m + " " + l;
public String findMiddle(String f, String l)
Link current = first_;
while (current != null && current.firstName.compareTo(f) != 0 && current.lastName.compareTo(l) != 0)
current = current.next;
if (current == null)
return "Not in list";
return "That person's middle name is " + current.middleName;
public class NamesOfFriends
public static void main(String[] args)
List listOfnames = new List();
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if(i == 0)
System.out.println("Please enter the first, middle and last name?");
listOfnames.insertFront(in.next(), in.next(),in.next());
System.out.println("Please enter the next first, middle and last name");
listOfnames.insertFront(in.next(), in.next(),in.next());
System.out.println("To find the middle name, please enter the first and last name of the person.");
public Link remove(String lastName)
Link current_ = first_;
Link prior_ = null;
Link temp_ = null;
while (current_ != null && current_.lastName.compareTo(lastName) != 0)
prior_ = current_;
current_ = current_.next;
if (current_ != null)
if (current_ == last_)
temp_ = last_;
last_ = prior_;
else if (prior_ == null)
temp_ = first_;
first_ = first_.next;
temp_ = current_;
prior_.next = current_.next;
return temp_;