SQLiteDatabase.insert 返回新的 _id。首先插入 Headers 表数据,在临时数据结构中创建新 _id 与 _id 的映射。
现在,当您填充详细信息表时,请查阅地图以获取旧的 id_headers 值以获取新的 id_headers 值。
private void migrate(SQLiteDatabase db){
ArrayList<Header> oldHeaders = new ArrayList<Header>();
ArrayList<Detail> oldDetails = new ArrayList<Detail>)();
HashMap<Long,Long> idMap = new HashMap<Long,Long>();
Cursor oldHeadersCurs = db.query("Headers", null, null, null, null, null, null);
//store the old header records
while (!oldHeadersCurs.isAfterLast()){
long oldId = oldHeadersCurs.getLong(oldHeadersCurs.getColumnIndex("_id"));
String name = oldHeadersCurs.getString(oldHeadersCurs.getColumnIndex("name"));
oldHeaders.put(new Header(oldId,name));
//delete the headers table
db.execSQL("DROP TABLE Headers");
//create the new headers table
//insert the header records capturing the new id
for (Header header : oldHeaders){
ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
cv.put("name", header.getName());
long newId = db.insert("Headers", null, cv);
idMap.put(header.getId(), newId); //mapping the old _id to the new
//store the old detail records
Cursor oldDetailsCurs = db.query("Details", null, null, null, null, null, null);
while (!oldDetailsCurs.isAfterLast()){
//btw text is a data type in sqlite, you need to rename this column
String text = oldDetailsCurs.getString(oldDetailsCurs.getColumnIndex("text"));
long oldHeaderId = oldDetailsCurs.getLong(oldDetailsCurs.getColumnIndex("id_headers"));
oldDetails.put(new Detail(text,oldHeaderId));
//recreate details table
db.execSQL("DROP TABLE Details");
//insert the new detail records using the id map
for (Detail detail : oldDetails){
ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
cv.put("id", idMap.get(detail.getHeaderId())); //retrieving the new _id based on the old
db.insert("Details", null, cv);