我对 Haskell 很陌生,目前正在使用 Windows 7 操作系统。

我正在尝试使用 Haskell 框架 Yesod 开发 Web 服务。当我执行yesod devel命令启动开发服务器时,出现以下错误:

C:\Users\Sticky\workspace\Yesod\testYesod>yesod devel 
Yesod devel server. Press ENTER to quit
Resolving dependencies...
Configuring testYesod-0.0.0...
cabal: At least the following dependencies are missing:
data-default -any,
hamlet ==1.1.*,
hjsmin ==0.1.*,
http-conduit >=1.5 && <1.7,
monad-control ==0.3.*,
persistent ==1.0.*,
persistent-sqlite ==1.0.*,
shakespeare-css ==1.0.*,
shakespeare-js ==1.0.*,
shakespeare-text ==1.0.*,
wai-extra ==1.3.*,
warp ==1.3.*,
yaml ==0.8.*,
yesod ==1.1.*,
yesod-auth ==1.1.*,
yesod-core >=1.1.2 && <1.2,
yesod-default ==1.1.*,
yesod-form ==1.1.*,
yesod-static ==1.1.*,
yesod-test ==0.3.*
Rebuilding application...
Forcing recompile for .\Model.hs because of config/models
Forcing recompile for .\Foundation.hs because of config/routes
Forcing recompile for .\Foundation.hs because of messages/en.msg
Forcing recompile for .\Foundation.hs because of templates/default-layout-wrappe
Forcing recompile for .\Foundation.hs because of templates/default-layout.hamlet

Forcing recompile for .\Handler\Home.hs because of templates/homepage.hamlet
cabal: Run the 'configure' command fBuild failure, pausing...

我试过跑步cabal configure,这似乎执行得很好,尽管我觉得由于我的经验不足而遗漏了一些东西,任何方向都将不胜感激。我还没有找到任何相关的问题,但这很可能是因为我不知道我需要知道什么:)


1 回答 1



# alex at least, possibly also happy, are required by hjsmin
cabal install happy alex 
# Make sure alex is on your path, then
cabal install --only-dependencies
于 2012-12-13T17:53:53.623 回答