我正在更新 Sybase 中的大表并有以下代码(已跳过声明):
-- get minimum id
set rowcount 1
select @min_id = id from table1 where id matches_some_condition
set rowcount 10000 -- batch size
select @max_id = id from
(select id from table1 where id >= @min_id and some_condition) a order by id
-- do updates
while (1 = 1)
update table1
set a = some_value
where id >= @min_id and id <= @max_id and further_conditions
waitfor delay '00:00:01'
select @min_id = @max_id
select @max_id = id from
(select id from table1 where id >= @min_id and further_conditions
) a order by id
if @min_id >= @max_id
因此,如您所见,这是通常的想法:获取一些有序列 (id) 并更新 id 介于 N 和 M 之间的行。循环直到所有行都更新。
如您所见,为了获得 @max_id 我使用了set rowcount 10000
然后select @max_id = id from (select id from table1 where id >= @min_id and further_conditions) a
. 现在我需要对运行 Sybase ASE 12.0 的数据库进行此类更新。问题是仅从 12.5 开始支持派生表,因此select id from (select id from table1) a