我想创建一个移动网站,并希望针对从高端(Iphone、android)到低端(诺基亚、LG 翻盖手机)的几乎所有设备。


  1. 开发 2 个站点,一个基于 HTML5,用于针对最新手机,第二个基于 XHTML MP,也支持旧手机。

  2. 使用移动样板 - 在 HTML5 上开发站点,包括用于不支持某些 HTML5 功能的手机的后备脚本(在modernizr 的帮助下)。



1 回答 1


When you say mobile what kind of output do you want at the mobile devices?

like a mobile app or a website?

if it's ok to be like a mobile app, I would suggest jQuery Mobile (if you're used to jQuery), Sencha Touch, if you love javascript developing or any other mobile framework.

They will support almost any mobile device out there, that at least runs Opera Mobile.

Take a look, for example, at jQuery Mobile Platforms that will run.

If it's a normal website feel that you want, I would suggest Bootstrap Framework with their responsive approach.

于 2012-12-13T12:46:35.677 回答