I am trying to develop a demo Facebook App in C#. But I could not get Access Token (for both Application & User).

Please help me, How could I get this for both Application & User (Diff examples are welcome).

My Code is:

public partial class _Default : Page
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


        var fbWebContext = FacebookWebContext.Current;
        if (fbWebContext.IsAuthorized())
            var fb = new FacebookWebClient(fbWebContext);
            dynamic result = fb.Get("/me");

            lblName.Text = "Hi " + result.name;
    private void CheckIfFacebookAppIsSetupCorrectly()
        bool isSetup = false;
        var settings = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("facebookSettings");
        if (settings != null)
            var current = settings as IFacebookApplication;
            if (current.AppId != "{app id}" &&
                current.AppSecret != "{app secret}")
                isSetup = true;

        if (!isSetup)

Well When I check the code by putting the break points, I found that if (fbWebContext.IsAuthorized()) is always returns false, If I try to comment the Authorization I get the following Exception:

(OAuthException) An active access token must be used to query information about the current user.

Than I searched for this, I got following Link: Another Question Link

But When I got the Access Token for the App, I could not assign to the object as that is readonly.

What should I Do in this case, Also How do I get Access Token for Users?



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于 2012-12-13T09:45:13.037 回答