I've integrated the facebook login in a site which seems to be the source of some trouble.

Whenever I log in with the 'regular way' (by an self created field) there is no problem, but once I use a facebook login the divs of the site are getting messed up.

I've got a wrapper with a width of 90% of the page, inside this div there are two divs one named content with 80% of the width of the wrapper and the other once receives the other 20% of the width.

<div id="wrapper">
    <div id="content">
        content here...
    <div id="sidebar">
        side bar items etc.

Now if I press F12 to check the source / inspect elements of the site it shows up perfectly with the regular login. However once I login with facebook the following pops up:

<div id="wrapper">
    <div id="content">
        content here...
        <div id="sidebar">
            side bar items etc.

Is this caused by the facebook plugin loading, whilst php/html is not waiting to generate any content and just continues? I am 100% sure this is caused by the login as I excluded any other option.


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也许您可以添加一个元素,该元素将使用固定尺寸(宽度/高度)和 css 属性保存/环绕 Facebook 登录overflow:hidden

于 2013-01-02T11:56:08.527 回答