Recently I downloaded win8 phone sdk and started create my test application. In the main project i have a System.Data.SQLite based classes and want to implement it in my windows phone app.

But System.Data.Sqlite package refuse to install with NuGet and says "Incompartible c# version" or something.

I have tried sqlite-wp80-winrt-3071500.vsix from http://www.sqlite.org/download.html, it installs ok but i even doesn't know how to refer the sqlite library? There is no such as ADO.Net adapter I suppose and I can't find exact library to refer in code.

In my test WP7 application I had implemented System.Data.Sqlite and it was working ok but what should I do with windows phone 8?

Please help me. May be it is a dumb question but I am stuck on it.


1 回答 1


如果您不介意使用 ORM 而不是 ADO.NET 提供程序,请尝试sqlite-net-wp8(今天刚刚为我正在处理的事情创建它)。

sqlite-net-wp8 是一个简单的 C++/CX 包装器,围绕 sqlite-net 所依赖的一些 sqlite3.dll 导出。它允许 sqlite-net 在 Windows Phone 8 上调用 sqlite3.dll,而无需使用 csharp-sqlite。

按照 README 中的说明进行操作,看看它是否适合您。如果您遇到任何错误,请告诉我,欢迎提出拉取请求 :)

于 2012-12-20T04:46:11.753 回答