jsfiddle:http: //jsfiddle.net/X4uvD/

我试图让这个 jquery 代码只重写父 ul li 而不是 ul li 里面。


//This is for footer slider, it rewrites 1 ul into several uls that contain 4 li max.
    // get the container, useful for later too...
    var container = $(".fproductslides");

    // get all available UL and LI elements...
    // this doesn't order featured listings at the top of the list
    // var li_elements = container.find("LI").clone();
    // this does order featured listings at the top of the list
    var li_elements = container.find("LI.slidefeatured").clone();
    li_elements = li_elements.add(container.find('LI:not(.slidefeatured)').clone());

    // remove the current content so that we can rebuild it for the slider...

    // build the slider container...
    var slide_container = $("<div />");

    // tricky part: looping through the LI's and building each of the slides...
    // first create some helpful variables...
    var li_elements_per_slide = 3;
    var li_counter = 0;
    // create the first slide, with a UL to hold the LI's...
    var current_li_div = $("<div />");
    current_li_div.append($("<ul />"));

    // loop through the LI's...
    li_elements.each(function(index, element){

        var current_li = $(element).clone();

        if (li_counter % li_elements_per_slide == 0)
            // we've hit 4 in this list, so add the slide and make
            // a new one, using same code as before...
            current_li_div = $("<div />");
            current_li_div.append($("<ul />"));


    // we might have an uneven number of LI's, so we need to check for this...
    if (li_counter % li_elements_per_slide != 0)

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您可以使用parent()方法来获取父 DOM 元素。你也可以传递一个选择器字符串ul.parent来过滤父元素。

<ul class='parent'>
    <li class='child'></li>


于 2012-12-13T05:52:58.733 回答