我正在为需要处理流数据以及发送和接收金融交易信息的 HTML5 Web 应用程序做概念验证。对于这个应用程序,我最初的目标是FXCM的 ForexConnect API。它以 c++、java 和 .NET 版本提供。

我正在尝试找到一种方法来避免创建位于客户端和 API 之间的服务器(避免产生数据成本)。有没有人有任何建议或技巧可以让我从客户端javascript实现这个API?




1 回答 1


Java can run on the client side, so that'd probably be your best approach. You could implement something in Java which makes data available to JavaScript, which could take it from there. You'd have to implement a small, possibly invisible Java applet. Communicate between Java and JavaScript

I didn't see any listing for it, but if they had a web-based API you could do it that way as well (though looking at it's relative complexity, it probably doesn't).

于 2012-12-13T03:27:25.817 回答