我正在尝试分析 LAMP 设置中的核心转储。它说核心被截断,唯一的信息是它有一个段错误,这已经在 httpd 错误日志中报告了。我无法获得完整的回溯或单步执行。

我为 httpd 和 freetds(sql server 驱动程序)安装了符号,php 没有我能找到的调试头文件。我什至需要所有 httpd 模块的所有符号,还是只需要 httpd 本身?


BFD: Warning: /tmp/core.10242 is truncated: expected core file size >= 576610304, found: 11689984.
BFD: Warning: /tmp/core.10242 is truncated: expected core file size >= 576610304, found: 11689984.
[New Thread 10242]
[New Thread 10753]
Core was generated by `/usr/sbin/httpd'.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
#0  0x00002aaaac7f8b60 in ?? ()
"/tmp/core.10242" is a core file.
Please specify an executable to debug.

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