I am trying to re-generate web service stubs and java objects from WSDL and XSD's using the batch commands available in WAS 7 (wsdl2java.bat, using ant script).

In the generated file, the field denoting mixed content is displayed as:

protected List<Object> content;

However, my existing codebase has the following:

protected List<Serializable> content;

Due to this issue, I am getting compilation errors. I am using JDK 1.6. The schema has not change in between. It would be great if you could advise me on how to make sure the generated code confirms to Serializable type instead of object.

Fb login session with heroku multiple dynos failed

My app is using Facebook login, it works perfectly fine with 1 dyno. But when I increase the number of dyno, the app often forget that I have already logged in. I suspect that the dynos doesn't recognize my session from other dynos.


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-extension在生成 JAXB 类并检查时使用。如下所示。

xjc -extension schema.xsd
于 2017-05-23T09:02:28.563 回答