Java will not allow you add only ? in preparedstatement string parameter, as it expects the ? for the place holder only for the parameters to the give SQL.
For your case, you may have to have 2 prepared statement objects, and in loop through, you can make a decision which one to call. So it would be something like below:
PreparedStatement insertPstmt = connection.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO MY_TABLE VALUES(?,?,?,?)");
PreparedStatement updatePstmt = connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE MY_TABLE, SET MY_VAL=? WHERE MY_VAL IS NULL");
While (<condition>) {
If (<insert condition>) {
// use insert pstmt and add batch
} else {
// use update pstmt and add batch
if you have any insert , which has dependency on the update, you might execute the batches accordingly. This will make sure that the update will work correctly. I would think of executing insert first, as they might not depend on update.