我想出售我的应用程序,但目前无法在某些国家(包括我的斯洛伐克)的谷歌市场上出售应用程序。所以我决定试试 AdMob

  1. 我想知道我是否可以在我的国家通过 AdMob 赚钱,是否有“支持”国家/地区列表?
  2. AdMob 帐户是否需要支付任何费用(例如激活、服务月费等)?我应该在我的应用发布之前等待 AdMob 帐户注册,还是我现在可以注册(即使我可能几个月都不会使用它)而不会造成任何伤害?

2 回答 2


ad mob 没有付款(因为他们在您展示广告时赚钱,并且不想吓跑潜在的广告商)并且只要在您发布您的应用程序之前注册就可以了。正如这里所说 - http://www.admob.com/home/about - 他们支持“160 个国家”。我找不到这些国家的列表,但你当然可以尝试创建一个帐户,看看会发生什么。

于 2012-12-12T17:10:38.277 回答

this is an old question, but I put this here for anyone looking for a information on unsupported countries:

this list which kind of old is all I could find, but I don't think any missing countries have been added since.

also to my knowledge, users from unsupported countries can still see and click the ads but it will NOT produce any revenues for you. so if you're targeting a certain region and its not listed above you might want to look for alternatives.

于 2016-04-25T13:20:18.920 回答