假设我使用网络浏览器上传一个巨大的文件(可能是几个 GB),所有数据可能需要几个小时才能传输到服务器。假设服务器对文件上传的大小没有限制,它只是不断地吞噬数据。浏览器会认真工作几个小时,直到所有数据都传输完毕?或者浏览器会在一段时间后提示某些错误?还是特定于浏览器的问题?
1514 次
2 回答
A request will always timeout at some point, regardless of the web server you are using (Apache, IIS, etc.) The defaults are usually a couple of minutes, so you will need to increase those. There are also other limits such as maximum file size that you would have to increase. An example of doing this with PHP/Apache can be found here: Increase max_execution_time in PHP?
于 2013-04-10T04:47:56.673 回答
于 2012-12-12T07:28:26.400 回答