我正在尝试构建一个 Django 应用程序,它可以让小型股票俱乐部轻松管理和查看有关其俱乐部的数据。我遇到的问题是构建优雅且合乎逻辑的模型。我没有找到任何关于构建模型的“好”方法的文献,甚至没有找到开始计划模型的“好”方法,所以我想我会在这里发布我的 models.py 看看你的想法。

我是否有逻辑地构建它们?有没有更好的办法?我并不关心代码本身的风格(它最终将符合 PEP-8),而是我关心设计的逻辑和优雅。

为了更好地了解目的是什么,这里有一个非常简单的示例,说明模型包含的数据将生成什么:http: //www.bierfeldt.com/takestock/clubs/1/

这是当前模型的流程图设计: 这是当前模型外观的流程图设计。



from django.db import models

####### Stock Models #######

class Stock(models.Model):

'''A stock whose current_price is updated every minute by a cronned script
running on the server. The current_price updating script gets all Stock objects
and runs Google Finance queries on each Stock

Stock has no relation to a particular owner, for that, see StockInstance model below'''

    ticker = models.CharField(max_length=200)
    current_price = models.DecimalField(max_digits=20, decimal_places=2)
    def __unicode__(self):
        return str(self.ticker + ">" + str(self.current_price))

class StockInstance(models.Model):

'''A middle-man model which links a Stock model to an owner (see Club model below.)

A single owner may possess multiple instances of a single stock purchased at different times
ex. December 9, 2012 - Owner buys 20 shares of AAPL at $500
    December 13, 2012 - Owner buys 15 shares of AAPL at $482'''

    owner = models.ForeignKey('Club')
    stock = models.ForeignKey(Stock)
    def current_price(self):
    #Current Price of relevant stock
        return self.stock.current_price
    shares = models.IntegerField()
    purchase_date = models.DateTimeField()
    purchase_price = models.DecimalField(max_digits=20, decimal_places=2)
    #if is_open is False, the instance is considered a closed position
    is_open = models.BooleanField(default=True)
    sell_date = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True)
    sell_price = models.DecimalField(max_digits=20, decimal_places=2, blank=True, null=True)
    def current_value(self):
        #Current value of this stock instance
        #ex. $200 Current Price * 10 shares = $2000 
        return (self.current_price() * self.shares)
    def purchase_value(self):
        #Purchase value of this stock instance
        #ex. $195 Purchase Price * 10 shares = $1950
        return (self.purchase_price * self.shares)  
    def percent_gl(self):
        #Percent Gained/Lost
        #ex. ($2000 Current Value - $1950 Purchase Value) / ($1950 Purchase Value) = .03 (03%) Gained
        return ((self.current_value() - self.purchase_value()) / (self.purchase_value()))
    def amount_gl(self):
        #Dollar Value Gained/Lost
        #ex. $2000 Current Value - $1950 Purchase Value = $50 Gained
        return (self.current_value() - self.purchase_value())
    def total_percentage(self):
        #Percent of Club Value (all club assets including cash) which this stock instance comprises
        #ex. $2000 Current Value / $10000 Club Total Assests = .20 (20%)
        return (self.current_value() / self.owner.current_value())
    def __unicode__(self):
        return str(str(self.shares) + str(" of ")+ str(self.stock.ticker))
####### Member Models #######

class Member(models.Model):

'''Members may belong to multiple clubs. The Member model has no relation to a club

See MemberInstance model below'''

    name = models.CharField(max_length=200)
    created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add = True)
    updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now = True)
    def __unicode__(self):
        return self.name

class MemberInstance(models.Model):

'''A middle-man model which links a Member model to an owner (see Club model below.)

A single member may belong to multiple clubs at the same time
ex. John has 5 shares of "Sandstone Investment Club"
    John has 15 shares of "Blackwell Investment Firm"'''
    owner = models.ForeignKey('Club')
    member = models.ForeignKey(Member)
    shares = models.DecimalField(max_digits=20, decimal_places=2)
    def total_share_value(self):
    #Total Dollar value of all of particular member's shares of a club
    #ex. Sandstone Investment Club's Share Price is $20 and John has 5 shares
    #ex. cont. $20 * 5 shares = $100 value of John's shares in Sandstone Investment Club
        return (self.shares * self.owner.current_price())
    def total_share_percentage(self):
    #Percent of a club that a particular member owns
    #ex. John has $100 of Sandstone Investment, Sandstone Investment is worth $1000
    #ex. cont. $100 / $1000 = .10 (10%) John owns 10% of Sandstone Investment's Value
        return (float(self.total_share_value()) / float(self.owner.current_value()))
####### Club Models #######

class Club(models.Model):
'''A Stock Club

A club has members (MemberInstance) and buys Stocks (StockInstance).

A note on the real-life purpose of stock clubs: Small-tim individual investors often do not have the 
buying power to make powerful stock purchases. A single individual may not be able to buy 50 shares
of a stock priced at $500 each. This individual joins a stock club, possibly with friends, family, or co-workers.
The stock club has a number of shares that each member owns some of. The stock CLUB may own shares of many different
STOCKS, but the club only has ONE stock price--its own.'''

    name = models.CharField(max_length=200)
    created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add = True)
    updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now = True)
    cash = models.DecimalField(max_digits=20, decimal_places=2)

    def total_shares(self):
    #The number of shares of the club that exist
    #ex. John has 6 shares of the club; Bob has 4 shares of the club
    #ex. cont. The club has (6+4=9) 10 total shares among its members.
        shares = 0
        for member in self.memberinstance_set.select_related():
            shares = shares + member.shares
        return shares
    def current_value(self):
    #The current value of the club
    #The current value of each stock instance plus the club's uninvested cash
    #ex. $200 from AAPL StockInstance + $400 from GOOG Instance + $20 cash = $620
        value = 0
        for stock in self.stockinstance_set.select_related():
            if stock.is_open == True:
                value = value + stock.current_value()
        return (self.cash + value)

    def current_price(self):
    #The club's current share price
    #The current value of the club divided by the total number of shares of the club
    #ex. $620 Club Current Value / 10 Total Shares = $62 per share
        return (self.current_value() / self.total_shares())
    def cash_total_percentage(self):
    #Percent of club's current value that is uninvested cash
        return ((self.cash) / (self.current_value()))
    def __unicode__(self):
        return self.name


2 回答 2



  1. MemberInstance(和其他“中间人模型”)通常命名为 ClubMember,一个描述关系双方的名称。

  2. 您的“中间人模型”是ManyToMany Models的示例。您应该ManyToManyField在您的模型上定义,例如members = ManyToManyField(Member, through='ClubMember')在您的Club模型上。

我将单独留下 PEP-8 样式的注释,因为这似乎不是您问题的重点,但是您应该在方法中考虑文档字符串而不是多个单行注释,以改进命令行文档和内省。

另请注意,select_related应该包含您希望 django 遵循关系的字段(从 django 1.5 开始)。


于 2012-12-12T05:02:57.620 回答

您是否阅读过 django 文档中的编码样式部分?


于 2012-12-12T04:48:49.763 回答