
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define FORCE_CAST(var, type) *(type*)&var

struct processor_status_register
unsigned int cwp:5;
unsigned int et:1;
unsigned int ps:1;
unsigned int s:1;
unsigned int pil:4;
unsigned int ef:1;
unsigned int ec:1;
unsigned int reserved:6;

unsigned int c:1;
unsigned int v:1;
unsigned int z:1;
unsigned int n:1;

unsigned int ver:4;
unsigned int impl:4;
}__attribute__ ((__packed__));

struct registers
       unsigned long* registerSet;
       unsigned long* globalRegisters;
       unsigned long* cwptr;
       unsigned long wim, tbr, y, pc, npc;
       unsigned short registerWindows;

       /* Though Intel x86 architecture allows un-aligned memory access, SPARC mandates memory accesses to be 8 byte aligned. Without __attribute__ ((aligned (8))) or a preceding dummy byte e.g. unsigned short dummyByte, the code below crashes with a dreaded Bus error and Core dump. For more details, follow the links below:


       struct processor_status_register __attribute__ ((aligned (8))) psr;
}__attribute__ ((__packed__));

int getBit(unsigned long bitStream, int position)
int bit;
bit = (bitStream & (1 << position)) >> position;
return bit;

char* showBits(unsigned long bitStream, int startPosition, int endPosition)
// Allocate one extra byte for NULL character
char* bits = (char*)malloc(endPosition - startPosition + 2);
int bitIndex;
for(bitIndex = 0; bitIndex <= endPosition; bitIndex++)
bits[bitIndex] = (getBit(bitStream, endPosition - bitIndex)) ? '1' : '0';
bits[bitIndex] = '\0';
return bits;

int main()
struct registers sparcRegisters; short isLittleEndian;

// Check for Endianness
        unsigned long checkEndian = 0x00000001;
            {printf("Little Endian\n"); isLittleEndian = 1;} // Little
Endian architecture detected
            {printf("Big Endian\n"); isLittleEndian = 0;} // Big
Endian architecture detected

unsigned long registerValue = 0xF30010A7;

unsigned long swappedRegisterValue = isLittleEndian ? registerValue :

sparcRegisters.psr = FORCE_CAST(swappedRegisterValue, struct
registerValue = isLittleEndian ? FORCE_CAST (sparcRegisters.psr,
unsigned long) : __builtin_bswap32(FORCE_CAST (sparcRegisters.psr,
unsigned long));
printf("\nPSR=0x%0X, IMPL=%u, VER=%u, CWP=%u\n", registerValue,
sparcRegisters.psr.impl, sparcRegisters.psr.ver,
printf("PSR=%s\n",showBits(registerValue, 0, 31));

sparcRegisters.psr.cwp = 7;
sparcRegisters.psr.et = 1;
sparcRegisters.psr.ps = 0;
sparcRegisters.psr.s = 1;
sparcRegisters.psr.pil = 0;
sparcRegisters.psr.ef = 0;
sparcRegisters.psr.ec = 0;
sparcRegisters.psr.reserved = 0;
sparcRegisters.psr.c = 0;
sparcRegisters.psr.v = 0;
sparcRegisters.psr.z = 0;
sparcRegisters.psr.n = 0;
sparcRegisters.psr.ver = 3;
sparcRegisters.psr.impl = 0xF;

registerValue = isLittleEndian ? FORCE_CAST (sparcRegisters.psr,
unsigned long) : __builtin_bswap32(FORCE_CAST (sparcRegisters.psr,
unsigned long));

printf("\nPSR=0x%0X, IMPL=%u, VER=%u, CWP=%u\n", registerValue,
sparcRegisters.psr.impl, sparcRegisters.psr.ver,

printf("PSR=%s\n\n",showBits(registerValue, 0, 31));

return 0;

我在 SPARC 上的 Solaris 10 上使用 gcc-4.7.2 来编译以下代码以生成 Big-Endian 输出:

Big Endian

PSR=0xF30010A7, IMPL=3, VER=15, CWP=20

PSR=0x3F00003D, IMPL=15, VER=3, CWP=7

我在 Intel-x86 上的 Ubuntu-10.04 上使用 gcc-4.4 来编译以下代码以生成 Little-Endian 输出:

Little Endian

PSR=0xF30010A7, IMPL=15, VER=3, CWP=7

PSR=0xF30000A7, IMPL=15, VER=3, CWP=7

虽然后一个符合预期,但谁能解释一下 Big-Endian 对应的内容?考虑到 showBits() 方法是正确的,PSR=0x3F00003D 如何产生 IMPL=15、VER=3、CWP=7 值?在 Big-Endian 系统的内存中,位域是如何排列和解释的?


1 回答 1


... PSR=0x3F00003D 产生 IMPL=15、VER=3、CWP=7 值?

它不能。我不知道您为什么要调用 __builtin_bswap32 但 0x3F00003D 并不代表您初始化 sparcRegisters 结构的内存。


sparcRegisters.psr.cwp = 7;
sparcRegisters.psr.et = 1;
sparcRegisters.psr.ps = 0;
sparcRegisters.psr.s = 1;
sparcRegisters.psr.pil = 0;
sparcRegisters.psr.ef = 0;
sparcRegisters.psr.ec = 0;
sparcRegisters.psr.reserved = 0;
sparcRegisters.psr.c = 0;
sparcRegisters.psr.v = 0;
sparcRegisters.psr.z = 0;
sparcRegisters.psr.n = 0;
sparcRegisters.psr.ver = 3;
sparcRegisters.psr.impl = 0xF;


7 => 00111
1 => 1
0 => 0
1 => 1
0 => 0000
0 => 0
0 => 0
0 => 000000
0 => 0
0 => 0
0 => 0
0 => 0
3 => 0011
F => 1111

因此,内存中的结构变为 00111101000000000000000000111111,即大端序中的 0x3D00003F。

您可以使用此代码进行确认(在 solaris 中使用 CC 测试):

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

struct processor_status_register
   unsigned int cwp:5;
   unsigned int et:1;
   unsigned int ps:1;
   unsigned int s:1;
   unsigned int pil:4;
   unsigned int ef:1;
   unsigned int ec:1;
   unsigned int reserved:6;

   unsigned int c:1;
   unsigned int v:1;
   unsigned int z:1;
   unsigned int n:1;

   unsigned int ver:4;
   unsigned int impl:4;
}__attribute__ ((__packed__));

int getBit(unsigned long bitStream, int position)
   int bit;
   bit = (bitStream & (1 << position)) >> position;
   return bit;

char* showBits(unsigned long bitStream, int startPosition, int endPosition)
   // Allocate one extra byte for NULL character
   static char bits[33];
   memset(bits, 0, 33);
   int bitIndex;
   for(bitIndex = 0; bitIndex <= endPosition; bitIndex++)
      bits[bitIndex] = (getBit(bitStream, endPosition - bitIndex)) ? '1' : '0';
   return bits;

int main()
   processor_status_register psr;
   psr.cwp = 7;
   psr.et = 1;
   psr.ps = 0;
   psr.s = 1;
   psr.pil = 0;
   psr.ef = 0;
   psr.ec = 0;
   psr.reserved = 0;
   psr.c = 0;
   psr.v = 0;
   psr.z = 0;
   psr.n = 0;
   psr.ver = 3;
   psr.impl = 0xF;

   unsigned long registerValue = 0;

   memcpy(&registerValue, &psr, sizeof(registerValue));
   printf("\nPSR=0x%0X, IMPL=%u, VER=%u, CWP=%u\n", registerValue,
      psr.impl, psr.ver,

   printf("PSR=%s\n\n",showBits(registerValue, 0, 31)); 

   return 0;


PSR=0x3D00003F, IMPL=15, VER=3, CWP=7
于 2012-12-19T20:57:59.653 回答