
这是 OO JS 的好模式吗?我正在寻找的是一种解决 JavaScript 继承问题的简单方法。

function MySuperClass(arg)
    this.arg1 = arg;
function MyBaseClass(arg)
    this.base = MySuperClass;
    this.arg2 = arg;
MyBaseClass.prototype = new MySuperClass();
function MySpecificClass(arg)
    this.base = MyBaseClass;
    this.arg3 = arg;
//ensures inheritance of all properties
MySpecificClass.prototype = new MyBaseClass();

var myFirstInstance = new MySpecificClass("test");
var mySecondInstance = new MySpecificClass("test2");

2 回答 2


注意:请参阅 ES2015 更新的结尾。

ES5 及更早版本


  1. 您的MySuperClass函数需要一个参数,但是当您调用它来创建MyBaseClass.prototype.

  2. base您在实例上设置的属性对于 中的代码将无法正常工作MyBaseClass,因为MyBaseClass期望它是MySuperClass,但事实并非如此,因为MySpecificClass已覆盖它。

这是复杂的东西。确保执行三代( 、 和 )是非常聪明的MySuperClassMyBaseClass因为MySpecificClass对于两级层次结构非常容易做到这一点,但对于三级以上的层次结构,它要复杂得多。:-)

如果您想深入讨论在 JavaScript 中处理继承、调用超类方法等,我已经写了一篇关于它的文章,并为此编写了一个工具包。阅读文章并查看工具包源(超出文章范围)可能有助于理解原型链如何工作以及如何使用它。


// A parent (base) "class"
function Parent(a) {
  this.a = a;
Parent.prototype.one = function() {
  console.log("I'm Parent#one: a = " + this.a);
Parent.prototype.two = function() {
  console.log("I'm Parent#two: a = " + this.a);

// A child "subclass"
function Child(a, b) {
  // Chain to "superclass" constructor
  Parent.call(this, a);

  // Do our own init
  this.b = b;

// Create the prototype objct that `new Child` will assign to instances
// by creating a blank object backed by `Parent.prototype`. Also set
// the `constructor` property on the object; JavaScript defines that it
// will refer back to the function on the default prototype objects, so
// we do that for consistency despite nothing in JavaScript actually
// _using_ `constructor`.
Child.prototype = Object.create(Parent.prototype);
Child.prototype.constructor = Child;

// Add things to `Child.prototype`
Child.prototype.one = function() {
  console.log("I'm Child#one: b = " + this.b);
Child.prototype.three = function() {
  console.log("I'm Child#three: b = " + this.b);

// A grandchild "subclass"
function GrandChild(b, c) {
  // Chain to "superclass" constructor
  // Note that GrandChild has a fixed value for Parent's `a`
  Child.call(this, "GrandChildFixedA", b);

  // Do our own init
  this.c = c;

// Again create a blank object to be the prototype `new GrandChild`
// assigns, again set `constructor`
GrandChild.prototype = Object.create(Child.prototype);
GrandChild.prototype.constructor = GrandChild;

// Add things to it
GrandChild.prototype.one = function() {
    console.log("I'm GrandChild#one: c = " + this.c);
GrandChild.prototype.three = function() {
    console.log("I'm GrandChild#three: c = " + this.c);


var p = new Parent("ParentA");
console.log("Calling p.one");
p.one();    // "I'm Parent#one: a = ParentA"
console.log("Calling p.two");
p.two();    // "I'm Parent#two: a = ParentA"
var c = new Child("ChildA", "ChildB");
console.log("Calling c.one");
c.one();    // "I'm Parent#one: a = ChildA" then "I'm Child #one: b = ChildB"
console.log("Calling c.two");
c.two();    // "I'm Parent#two: a = ChildA"
console.log("Calling c.three");
c.three();  // "I'm Child#three: b = ChildB"
var gc = new GrandChild("GrandChildB", "GrandChildC");
console.log("Calling gc.one");
gc.one();   // "I'm Parent#one: a = GrandChildFixedA" then "I'm Child #one: b = GrandChildB" then "I'm GrandChild#one: c = GrandChildC"
console.log("Calling gc.two");
gc.two();   // "I'm Parent#two: a = GrandChildA"
console.log("Calling gc.three");
gc.three(); // "I'm Child#three: b = GrandChildB" then "I'm GrandChild#three: c = GrandChildC"

测试 instanceof,尽管如果您经常使用 instanceof,您可能需要阅读鸭子类型:

// Some things that should be true
console.log("p instanceof Parent? " + (p instanceof Parent));
console.log("c instanceof Parent? " + (c instanceof Parent));
console.log("c instanceof Child? "  + (c instanceof Child));
console.log("gc instanceof Parent? " + (gc instanceof Parent));
console.log("gc instanceof Child? "  + (gc instanceof Child));
console.log("gc instanceof GrandChild? "  + (gc instanceof GrandChild));

// And some things that *shouldn't* be true:
console.log("p instanceof Child? (should be false) " + (p instanceof Child));
console.log("p instanceof GrandChild? (should be false) " + (p instanceof GrandChild));
console.log("c instanceof GrandChild? (should be false) " + (c instanceof GrandChild));

如果您不在启用 ES5 的环境中,则可以将此 shim 用于Object.create(注意:不是完整的 shim,仅足以启用上述内容):

Object.create = function(p) {
  var o;

  function ctor() {

  ctor.prototype = p;

  o = new ctor();

  ctor.prototype = null;
  return o;


// A parent (base) "class"
var Parent = Lineage.define(function(p) {
  p.initialize = function(a) {
    this.a = a;
  p.one = function() {
    console.log("I'm Parent#one: a = " + this.a);
  p.two = function() {
    console.log("I'm Parent#two: a = " + this.a);

// A child "subclass"
var Child = Lineage.define(Parent, function(p, pp) {
  p.initialize = function(a, b) {
    // Chain to "superclass" constructor
    pp.initialize.call(this, a);

    // Do our own init
    this.b = b;
  p.one = function() {
    console.log("I'm Child#one: b = " + this.b);
  p.three = function() {
    console.log("I'm Child#three: b = " + this.b);

// A grandchild "subclass"
var GrandChild = Lineage.define(Child, function(p, pp) {
  p.initialize = function(b, c) {
    // Chain to "superclass" constructor
    // Note that GrandChild has a fixed value for Parent's `a`
    pp.initialize.call(this, "GrandChildFixedA", b);

    // Do our own init
    this.c = c;
  p.one = function() {
      console.log("I'm GrandChild#one: c = " + this.c);
  p.three = function() {
      console.log("I'm GrandChild#three: c = " + this.c);


ES2015 及更高版本

从 ES2015(又名“ES6”)开始,JavaScript 有了classandsuper关键字,这极大地简化了上述内容,并且可以在今天与转译一起使用。

class Parent {
    constructor(a) {
        this.a = a;

    one() {
        console.log("I'm Parent#one: a = " + this.a);

    two() {
        console.log("I'm Parent#two: a = " + this.a);

class Child extends Parent {
    constructor(a) {

    one() {
        console.log("I'm Child#one: a = " + this.a);

    three() {
        console.log("I'm Child#three: a = " + this.a);

class GrandChild extends Child {
    constructor(a) {

    one() {
        console.log("I'm GrandChild#one: a = " + this.a);

    three() {
        console.log("I'm GrandChild#three: a = " + this.a);

// Usage
var p = new Parent("ParentA");
console.log("Calling p.one");
p.one();    // "I'm Parent#one: a = ParentA"
console.log("Calling p.two");
p.two();    // "I'm Parent#two: a = ParentA"
var c = new Child("ChildA", "ChildB");
console.log("Calling c.one");
c.one();    // "I'm Parent#one: a = ChildA" then "I'm Child #one: b = ChildB"
console.log("Calling c.two");
c.two();    // "I'm Parent#two: a = ChildA"
console.log("Calling c.three");
c.three();  // "I'm Child#three: b = ChildB"
var gc = new GrandChild("GrandChildB", "GrandChildC");
console.log("Calling gc.one");
gc.one();   // "I'm Parent#one: a = GrandChildFixedA" then "I'm Child #one: b = GrandChildB" then "I'm GrandChild#one: c = GrandChildC"
console.log("Calling gc.two");
gc.two();   // "I'm Parent#two: a = GrandChildA"
console.log("Calling gc.three");
gc.three(); // "I'm Child#three: b = GrandChildB" then "I'm GrandChild#three: c = GrandChildC"
于 2012-12-11T11:53:28.523 回答


var func1 = function(parameter1, parameter2) {
    // do your stuff here

var func2 = function(parameter1, parameter2, parameter3) {
    // call the constructor of func1 with actual 'this'
    func1.call(this, parameter1, parameter2);

    // do your specific task here

func2.prototype = func1.prototype;
func2.prototype.constructor = func2;

工作正常 :)

于 2012-12-11T11:58:27.947 回答