I'm trying to create a drop down menu that dynamically updates a table. The drop down list shows the items in the category table, but they are not clickable--they can't be selected. What am I doing incorrectly?
$sql = "SELECT pd_id, c.cat_id, cat_name, pd_name, pd_thumbnail
FROM tbl_product p, tbl_category c
WHERE p.cat_id = c.cat_id $sql2
ORDER BY pd_name";
$result = dbQuery(getPagingQuery($sql, $rowsPerPage));
$pagingLink = getPagingLink($sql, $rowsPerPage, $queryString);
$categoryList = buildCategoryOptions($catId);
<p> </p>
<form action="processProduct.php?action=addProduct" method="post" name="frmListProduct" id="frmListProduct">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" class="text">
<td align="right">View products in :
<select name="cboCategory" class="box" id="cboCategory" onChange="viewProduct();">
<option selected>All Category</option>
<?php echo $categoryList; ?>