我有一张带有 id 的照片表。当用户将文件上传到服务器时会填充此表,这很好。我也有一个可以发布图片的论坛,图片会发送到同一张照片桌。在主页上有一个部分,其中显示了该表中的一张照片,其下方带有分页链接。
现在,当有人在论坛上发帖并且他们不包含图像时,它会中断。该线程不会显示,因为它正在寻找不存在的 0 的 photo_id。所以我上传了一个虚拟图像,将 id 值更改为零并尝试了
$sql = "SELECT * FROM photographs HAVING id != 0 ";
$sql .= "LIMIT {$per_page} ";
$sql .= "OFFSET {$pagination->offset()}";
是否可以从数据库中选择所有内容,但不能选择 0 记录,或者从分页链接中删除链接?这是代码:
//1. the current page number ($current_page)
$page = !empty($_GET['page']) ? (int)$_GET['page'] : 1;
//2. records per page ($per_page)
$per_page = 1;
//3. total record count ($total_count)
$total_count = Photograph::count_all();
//Find all photos
//use Pagination instead
//$photos= Photograph::find_all();
$pagination = new Pagination($page, $per_page, $total_count);
//Instead of finding all records, just find the records
//for this page
$sql = "SELECT * FROM photographs HAVING id != 0 ";
$sql .= "LIMIT {$per_page} ";
$sql .= "OFFSET {$pagination->offset()}";
$photos = Photograph::find_by_sql($sql);
//Need to add ?page=$page to all links we want to
//maintain the current page(or store $page in $session)
<div id="right">
foreach($photos as $photo):
<h3 style="margin: 0;"></h3>
<div style="padding: 5px;">
<a href="photo.php?id=<?php echo $photo->id; ?>"><img src="<?php echo $photo->image_path(); ?>" width="200" alt="Photo Share Photo" /></a>
<p align="center"><?php echo $photo->caption; ?></p>
<?php }
<div id="pagination" style="clear: both;" align="center">
if($pagination->total_pages() > 1) {
if($pagination->has_previous_page()) {
echo "<a href=\"index.php?page=";
echo $pagination->previous_page();
echo "\">« Previous</a> ";
for($i=1; $i <= $pagination->total_pages(); $i++) {
if($i == $page) {
echo " <span class=\"selected\">{$i}</span> ";
} else {
echo " <a href=\"index.php?page={$i}\">{$i}</a> ";
if($pagination->has_next_page()) {
echo " <a href=\"index.php?page=";
echo $pagination->next_page();
echo "\">Next »</a> ";
?><br />
<div align="center">
<a href="photo_upload.php">Upload a new photograph</a>
class Pagination {
public $current_page;
public $per_page;
public $total_count;
public function __construct($page=1, $per_page=20, $total_count=0){
$this->current_page = (int)$page;
$this->per_page = (int)$per_page;
$this->total_count = (int)$total_count;
public function offset() {
//Assuming 20 items per page:
//page 1 has an offset of 0 (1-1) * 20
// page 2 has an offset of 20 (2-1) * 20
//in other words, page 2 starts with item 21
return ($this->current_page - 1) * $this->per_page;
public function total_pages() {
return ceil($this->total_count/$this->per_page);
public function previous_page() {
return $this->current_page - 1;
public function next_page() {
return $this->current_page +1;
public function has_previous_page() {
return $this->previous_page() >= 1 ? true : false;
public function has_next_page() {
return $this->next_page() <= $this->total_pages() ? true : false;
我会查看 total_pages 并在可行时回复您。我想我可以将 WHERE id != 0 添加到 count_all 方法的末尾。我认为除了照片共享之外没有其他任何东西使用它。我将不得不查看代码。
public static function count_all() {
global $database;
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".self::$table_name." WHERE `id` **!= 0 AND `show` != 0";**
$result_set = $database->query($sql);
$row = $database->fetch_array($result_set);
return array_shift($row);
我将此添加到照片对象中。现在用户可以选择是否希望他们的图片显示在照片共享部分,如果他们不随帖子上传图片,则会自动为其分配 ID 0。如果不清楚并且有人需要帮忙,让我知道。