您可以将 Outlook 事件与 Access 一起使用。对于此示例,您将需要一个名为 clsOlMail 的类模块,其中包含以下代码:
''Requires reference to the Microsoft Outlook x.x Object Library
Dim WithEvents conItems As Outlook.Items
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set oApp = Outlook.Application
Set oNS = oApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set conFolder = oNS.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderSentMail)
Set conItems = conFolder.Items
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set conItems = Nothing
Set conFolder = Nothing
Set oNS = Nothing
Set oApp = Nothing
End Sub
Sub ConItems_ItemAdd(ByVal Item As Object)
Dim frm As Form
Set frm = Forms!frmEmailDetails
frm.txtSenderName = Item.SenderName
frm.txtSentOn = Item.SentOn
frm.txtTo = Item.To
frm.txtCreationTime = Item.CreationTime
frm.txtBCC = Item.BCC
frm.txtCC = Item.CC
frm.txtSentOnBehalfOfName = Item.SentOnBehalfOfName
frm.txtSubject = Item.Subject
frm.txtBody = Item.Body
End Sub
您还需要一个名为 frmEmailDetails 的表单,其中包含以下文本框:
txtSenderName, txtSentOn, txtTo, txtCreationTime, txtBCC, txtCC, txtSentOnBehalfOfName, txtSubject, txtBody
Private oEvent As clsOLMail
''Requires reference to Microsoft Outlook x.x Object Library
Public oApp As Outlook.Application
Public oNS As Outlook.NameSpace
Public conFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Set oEvent = New clsOlMail
End Sub
打开表单并通过 Outlook 发送电子邮件,您可以使用上面显示的示例之一。表单字段应填写已发送电子邮件中的相关详细信息。您可能会收到 Outlook 安全警告。
来自:http ://wiki.lessthandot.com/index.php/Access_and_Email