What is the best way to write a pure function in go if I need to pass a (small) slice in parameter? Slice are not passed by value like array. So it's not possible to guarantee that it will not be modified during the execution of the function. Once solution is to copy the slice every time I call the function. It would work in practice, but I would prefer a more safe solution as there is no way to ensure that a copy will ever be made before the function call.
3 回答
var myArray [10]int
package main
import "fmt"
// The interface
type ReadOnlyStringSlice interface {
Get(int) string
// An implementation of ReadOnlyStringSlice
type MyReadOnlySlice struct {
slice []string
func (m MyReadOnlySlice) Get(i int) string {
e := m.slice[i]
return e
// Your "pure" function
func MyPureFunction(r ReadOnlyStringSlice) {
func main() {
m := MyReadOnlySlice{[]string{"foo", "bar"}}
我认为整个想法是一厢情愿的想法:在一种语言中努力拥有一个纯函数是没有意义的,它不会以任何方式使用你的函数是纯函数的事实。如果你可以将一个函数“标记”为纯函数,那么理论上 Go 将能够以某种方式利用这个提示来发挥它的优势(例如,在一系列调用中重新排序某些函数的执行)。由于没有明确支持此类事情,因此函数的纯度只存在于您的脑海中。例如,假设您能够以某种方式强制函数不修改传递给它的切片;即使这样,也没有什么可以阻止您在该函数中执行另一个副作用(例如,执行 I/O 或修改全局变量)。
If you're writing a package, you could export a method which takes a slice but copies it and passes it to the real function:
func MyExportedFunc(someSlice []int) {
sliceCopy := make([]int, len(someSlice))
copy(sliceCopy, someSlice)
This, of course, is not a solution for the problem in general, as MyExportedFunc
is not
pure. The best way is probably to encapsulate the slice, as @Tom suggested.